NHT057: RUSSELL MILLS – Stones Egg
Welcome to this weeks NEVER HEARD THAT.
RUSSELL MILLS is a wonderfully innovative artist. In addition to traditional art formats, over the years he has designed record and CD covers for many successful artists.
He must be a pretty nice person because over those years he has built a strong working relationship with these musical artists and it is they who have given him the source material that he has adapted to create his own albums.
Like his art, this music is innovative and multi layered. At its best, like this luxurious piece, Stones Egg, it is joyful to the ears.
See what you think.
I hope that you enjoy this weeks NEVER HEARD THAT.
Cheers, Andrew Muecke

Here is a link to the Podcast on YouTube

Here is a link to the NEVER HEARD THAT YouTube playlist
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