NHT085: THE FIXX – One Look Up


Welcome to this weeks NEVER HEARD THAT.

In the early 80s UK band THE FIXX had a surprise hit in the US with their song One Thing Leads To Another which was the lead single from their second album.

Then all of a sudden, songs from their debut album started to chart well.

And from there, their next singles and albums charted well too.

This began with support from College radio, then broke through to the mainstream.

Quite impressive stuff from a band that very much had their own unique style. They are still able to tour around the world to a gracious audience even now.

Have a listen and see what you think.

I hope you enjoy this weeks NEVER HEARD THAT.

Cheers, Andrew Muecke

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Here is a link to the Podcast on YouTube

Here is a link to the NEVER HEARD THAT YouTube playlist

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