NHT049: GENESIS – Carpet Crawlers
Welcome to this weeks NEVER HEARD THAT.
When a bands career spans multiple decades, it should not be a surprise to discover that there can be quite distinct changes to their sound over that time.
I think that is certainly the case for UK outfit GENESIS.
Starting in the late 1960s, this Hall of Fame band changed their sound dramatically over the next twenty plus years – I suspect this was influenced by the marked change in personnel over that time.
I also suspect that their fan based would also have transformed with each change in direction. This track is from when they were in their progressive rock / art school phase and I think it demonstrates them at one of their peaks.
See what you think!
I hope that you enjoy this weeks NEVER HEARD THAT.
Cheers, Andrew Muecke
Here is a link to the Podcast on YouTube
Here is a link to the NEVER HEARD THAT YouTube playlist
Co – listener remarks: easy listening – very nice!
Me too agree 🙂