NHT013: MICHAEL HEDGES – Ariel Boundaries


The extraordinary guitarist MICHAEL HEDGES is the feature of this weeks NEVER HEARD THAT show.

How is it possible for one person to make so much music emanate from just the one guitar? Not only that, but also how can he produce so much passion and beauty at the same time?

I dont know how he does it, but what I do know is that he is a pure joy to listen to. I say share the joy around.

I hope that you love this weeks NEVER HEARD THAT show.

Cheers, Andrew Muecke

Photo Source


Youtube Link Michael Hedges Ariel Boundaries LIVE

Here is a link to the Podcast on YouTube

Here is a link to the NEVER HEARD THAT YouTube playlist

One Comment so far:

  1. LisaSunriseGirl says:

    You introduced me to this many moons ago – THANK YOU x

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