NHT097: MACHINATIONS – Transient
Welcome to this weeks NEVER HEARD THAT.
Some albums can become incredibly important for us as people – they find a way to mark, even define a significant event or period in our lives forever. Such is the case for me with the Esteem album by Australian band MACHINATIONS.
I discovered this band at a very low period in my life when my sports career was ended due to a serious accident. It is not an over estimation to say that listening to this album gave me happiness that I wasn’t otherwise feeling at that time in my life.
Still to this very day, I marvel at the wonderful creativity and positivity that the album contains – this is independent dance pop at its very, very best. You might find that too.
I hope you enjoy this weeks NEVER HEARD THAT.
Cheers, Andrew Muecke

Here is a link to the Podcast on YouTube:

Here is a link to the NEVER HEARD THAT YouTube playlist
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